Part 1: Revelation

This is the first book I ever really started writing and carried on for longer than the first three pages, the book that got me started on writing altogether. Originally inspired by The Fellowship of the Ring film, I remember sitting beside our pool during quarantine almost two years ago, the afternoon after watching the movie the night before, and writing the first lines of this book. Even though the story has taken about a thousand different directions since then, I still managed to keep a few of those original lines in the story. The main plot in the first book is about four teens, each around 14 years old, who manage to discover a truth kept hidden from them about the four spirits of nature that once ruled their planet before the Dark Spirit, a more mental spirit in comparison to the other four, forced them into seclusion after the hearts of Comora's men accepted the Dark Spirit, allowing it to take over. Now the four have to follow a series of dreams to the one place where the four spirits remained hidden. I would tell you more (i.e., The names of the characters) if it wouldn't spoil everything. It's a very technical and detailed book, and I wish I could give a more detailed and understandable overview without giving half the book away. But this is no doubt the slowest read out of the four from what I can tell so far. The main purpose of this book is to lay the main foundation of detail and setting, so the reader can get a bearing for what's going on before more confusion starts. As for the status of writing, I'm really hoping to finish this book by the end of the year. I have begun online publication, however, and a post a new chapter every couple of days so you can start reading it now! You can find it by searching Presleigh Adam on or my visiting my profile at Presleigh Adam (@PNA427) - Wattpad.
Part 2: Reunion

As the second book in the series, my intent with this one was to bring out the characters a little more, since the mood of this book isn't exactly fast paced either. The story is mainly about the reunion of the true guardians and the discovery of yet another one, and his journey alongside the others to the Callahahn to receive his stone. I also wanted to take the perspectives of a few newer characters to get more of an idea of what was going on in the rest of the world even though the main characters weren't experiencing that quite yet. To give you a better idea of the storyline, here's the published synopsis:
Now that the connection has been made within the spirits of Earth, Water, and Wind, the Fire spirit rages until its anger burns against the land of Comora. The true guardians seek to reveal the remaining - the guardian who will bond with the most powerful, furious, and threatening spirit of all. Meanwhile, the Darkness begins to seep into Comora's conscience, it's demonic Spirit forming an army.
So immediately it kind of leads the reader to wonder why there were four guardians originally and only three connections made. That's one of the main plots of the first book. I haven't started actually working on this book full time, but I have some of the more important scenes already written.
Part 3: Rebellion

This is definitely where the story starts to get more interesting. The main platform for this book is the entertainment, less development. At this point in the story, the Dark Spirit has collected an army of Comoran citizens, turned to its Spirit by force, who are now after the four in an attempt to turn them and gain control over the Spirits. The story doesn't cover a wide gap of time, except for maybe the first few chapters, because so much is going on all at once. Meanwhile the previous two books covered a time period of several months each. I'm actually pretty far in this book's writing process. Because it's definitely more of a thriller than the other two, I've written a lot of the more intense scenes and left the background stuff for after the first two are finished.
Part 4: Redemption

This is by far my favorite book of the four. I wouldn't say its slower than Rebellion, but its quieter, less aggressive. I was really inspired for this book after looking back on one of my favorite book series when I was younger, The Wingfeather Saga, and Andrew Peterson's perfect conclusion to the series. I wanted to end mine just like that. Basically, all its about is the Final War, the war against the Dark Spirit, and what the characters go through and what it takes for them in the end. I know I said that Reunion was my main platform for character development, but I really think this book brought out who each of the characters are in my mind, and what they were willing to go through. Similar to Rebellion, I'm decently far in this book's writing process, mainly because I love it so much and, as the climax of the series, it takes a lot of rewriting to nail it.
Thanks for reading! You can tell me what you thought or any suggestions you might have at the bottom of this page or using the contact form on the home page.